xHamster Feedback and Suggestions
298 results found
دانلود فیلم ها
می خواهم اجازه بدهید فیلما رو دانلود و ذخیره کنم
7 votes -
Dont force us into a categories because you think it will be best for us.. we can decide what’s best for us
Let us decide for ourself what category we want to be in.. If a straight guy wants to make videos with a female sex doll, he shouldn’t be forced into the gay category. I think straight guys watch that more then gay guys. Or make a category for sex toys only..
2 votes -
ماساژ ترانس های لزبین
دانلود فیلم های ماساژ ترانس های لزبین
6 votes -
Upload mini videos or say shorts porn videos and pay money to the people who give you ideas or feedback
New way for creators to earn and it attracts more audience
3 votes -
Eine Möglichkeit bei der Suche Videos in denen man nackte Männer und diverse andere Dinge sieht ausschließen.
Wenn man nach Pornos sucht in denen man nur eine solo Putzfrau/ Hausfrau sieht kommen bei mindestens 3/4 der Videos doch nackte Männer vor und das sollte man schon von vornherein mit einer Suchfunktion ausschließen können dass in den gesuchten Videos Männer vorkommen. Darüber hinaus wären weitere Ausschließungen von Videos mit Dildos eine gute Funktion. Das wäre für mich die größte Erleichterung beim Suchen geeigneter Pornos die es geben würde. Und auch in Lesbenpornos kommen oft doch Männer vor, all diese Dinge sollte man mit Suchfunktionen ausschließen können.
Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Berücksichtigung meines Vorschlages.
2 votes -
Add Slider Button to the Categories Left handside Menu to Hide it
Please add a button that can slide back the category list menu on the left hand side of the main website as it uses up too much space, thank you.
3 votes -
😎 কারো কাছে ভালো_কারো কাছে খারাপ যার মানসিকতা যেমন তার কাছে আমি তেমন 😏
https://familycenter.instagram.com/invite/p/UQRiFMoHH1Jq1nouo0zXuNo4n7Y4SksXSO72c/SPONSORED Click Here And Watch My Private Video🦋
Beautiful hot romantic beautiful girl hot sexy and beautiful hot romantic pron videos Indian rasian us all model flimমায়া- তুমি যেমন স্নিগ্ধ এক অনুভূতি..!
তেমনি খুব ভয়ংকর যন্ত্রণা..!🖤🌺🦋To share your story to Facebook, first you'll need to add your Facebook and Instagram accounts to the same Accounts Center. At this time, you can only share a story to Facebook from the Instagram app for Android or iPhon
0 votes -
a way to meet your favorite porn star
i think it would be nice if xhamster provided a safe way people to meet (either over the phone or in person) their fav porn star.. maybe it could be the prize for winning a contest or maybe u could charge them 50 or so dollars as an introduction fee or something.... and obviously there would need to be security and backround checks and what not but i think it would an inexpensive way for the site to draw in more people and revenue even if it were a meeting in person just charge more for the meet and have…
3 votes -
Set up a section just for Women seeking men to do what they wanT on video live free for the man, butt paying the FemaLe or TrannY.
Set up a section just for Women seeking mdn to do what they w t on video live free for the .an butt paying the CemaLe or TrannY.
1 vote -
I think it's a great way for some of other guys or people who don't lable themselves with anything to put a video up in a category.
3 votes -
Bagi bayaran tetap pada ahlie
Bagi bonos setiap tahun pada akhir yang aktif
2 votes -
Upload recording dance full videos
Sexy dances and upload new recording dance videos
1 vote -
Bi/gender fluid options
There only 3 options s/g/t
There should be one that is for bi/gender fluid
Im bi and enjoy watching multiple people man on man f on f and the swaps between (prefer mostly anal) but just the fluidity of what is actually possible isn't really shown/hard to find content1 vote -
нейро сети
создание себя в нейро сети, чтобы каждый мог найти себя как нейро сеть
1 vote -
I wear oxygen and many disabilities are listed, but everyone is afraid of oxygen users
add oxygen users to fetish list
3 votes -
Add Ai image generator, like Stable diffussion, DALL-E, and such. Mayme even ai GPT chat bot
It would be fire if users could have Ai image generator chat bot to generate NSFW content. Maybe even GPT style chatBot.
1 vote -
option some shorts scroll videos
Add option some shorts scroll videos with in 1 min duration like insta reels youtube shorts
1 vote -
Erotic chats
Erotic chats
2 votes -
jährliches treffen ,evtl immer wo anders in Europa
Was haltet Ihr, von einem Jährlichen treffen.!,Netter Kurzurlaub 2 sicher einige geile Gangbang`s und 3 neue Leute kennenlernen.
Das wäre richtig geil!
2-3 Stände z.B. Essen,trinken oder Lack und Leder .
Ich sah mal ein Konzert in Holland. Vor ca.30 J.der zweite Teil vom Namen der Band war auf jeden Fall "Bitsch" evtl. Rock-Bitsch.
5 ex Huren die wirklich auch noch gute Sound machten. Alle Nackt! Wenn eine der Rockvotzen pissen musste, fand sich immer ein durstiger Mann der von der Bühne sich im hohen Bogen eine Natursektdusche gönnen durfte. Wer den goldenen Drumstick ( 1 )
am Ende fing…2 votes -
Custom teledonics
I would love to see custom teledonics that our users can buy and send to us xhamster.com official swag but customisable and able to send securely My company can help with custom products and wholesale prices
3 votes
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