Search Engine for Race
We add a filter into the search browser where people could search for other people who like a certain race.
Like a Caucasian heterosexual male would be able to search on the browser for women who like Caucasian men for example.
blkmanLuvswhtman commented
same for gay, i want to see a bunch of white men gangbang a black guy. but when i type white guys gangbang its a bunch of bbcs. also when i type bwc/white bulls i get bbc on white women. lol no i want to see a white guy cuck a black man lmao
Adminlynx (Admin, xHamster) commented
Search engine is being improved on a regular basis.
Please check the website once again - most probably you`ve missed it.
Johnny commented
There is all ready . Some people need to search more in here .... Go in normal site . Click category on the top left choose the country of your choice . Its bin there since forever