gays,bisex,and crossdressers should be a separate category
i think gays,bisexuals,transgenders and crossdressers should be separate categories,when we are trying to find a date.sometimes,im looking a for a man,and i get a list of men who are searchin ONLY for women.thats not bout making a bisex category?

Rej Leatherman commented
What you fail to understand is that there are a great number of crossdressers who identify as straight. Also, while I have nothing against crossdressers and think they should enjoy all the rights and protections as the rest of the general population, I, as a gay, am not sexually attracted to them as a category. It is in fact, a dealbreaker for me. And, I'm not alone. You have all these different categories for hterosexuals, yet you everyone who is gay into ONE category. Why do you not think there would not be the same kind of 'filtering' in the gay population?
bisexual-m commented
My suggestion is to separate sex from sexual orientation. I think users should have an option to search for example only bisexual men. Or gay and bisexual men. Or only bisexual women. And so on.