Add a description field to photos

Rubinetti commented
I agree with this suggestion. I think it could be a good idea to permit to give photos a title.
Anonymous commented
I completely agree. As of now, descriptions are only allowed for the gallery as whole, but I would love to see individual photo have descriptions for them. This is such a basic and standard concept, but I am surprised we do not have the option for it.
When I upload pics, I like to be able to detail what the pic is about, my thoughts about it, and etc.
bjf42 commented
I'm sure I'm not alone when looking through photos & thinking WOW Who is she/(he).. All I can do at the moment is post a comment or send a private message & hope for a response.
There is an outstanding proposal to aloow loading phots by folder rather than individually, aproposal I agree with 1000%, and this proposal need not conflict. Descriptions can be added through Edit Photos