Better support in identity theft user claims. (And a plea for help for a user)
Users whom support this site by uploading their original content should find a better response in content theft / impersonation scenarios. And I please for you to pay attention as I give you a concrete example, currently unattended:
Verified user has seen a couple of her videos uploaded to another person's profile.
This second person (an unverified account) showcases a series of videos, some of which INCLUDE SEGMENTS OF at least two of the verified user's videos, claiming to be his/her own. The person also seems to be offering escort services, and asks for money through his / her Xhamster profile.
In short, there is not only the case of impersonation / identity theft, but also an economic interest behind it all.
Now the verified user has issued a request for the stolen / misappropriated videos to be taken down. In return, Xhamster has asked the verified user's Gov. ID, address, and other personal data, which the verified user does not want to share (for which the user has every right, while remaining in compliance to the Xhamster's TOS); this, instead of being questioning the fake (and unverified) uploader for his / her own personal details.
One would think that Xhamster should be able to provide the verified user with a simpler solution, since the impersonation case is as obvious as it is; none of the users have many videos, and it would take a simple comparison between both channels to identify the identity theft operation.
In short this situation begs the question:
What good is it to be a verified user of the site, when people has no right to denounce another user's misappropriation of their content?
Of course, this should not be exclusive to verified users; the existence of Site Admins. should guarantee everyone's safety in that regard. And yes, users are so many, and Admins. can only do so much.. BUT, since someone on the Admin. / Moderator level of the site actually DID RECEIVE the verified user's claim, it seems wrong that no action would be taken (particularly in such an obvious case), and that all the verified user has received has been an invasive, bureaucratic response.
IF Xhamster actually cares about its users, verified or not, it should be more sensible to cases such as this. I believe, in good faith, this is not a far-fetched affirmation.
Now, in case anyone at the Admin. level might want to right this situation and actually give some affirmative assistance to verified user , here is the information on the impersonator account, and the videos that in all right SHOULD be taken down:
The FAKE UPLOADER, UNVERIFIED profile on Xhamster:
As you can see, the fake uploader claims that both videos belong to him / her, claiming to be "TeodoraTV".
And, lastly, I leave you the details for the CREATOR / OWNER of the misappropriated content:
The VERIFIED, right OWNER of the videos:
The videos in their ORIGINAL upload from VERIFIED user:
I am confident my presentation here has been made as clearly as possible, and that NONE of the claims herein are in any way aberrant or out of place. It can be a saddening, stressing situation for someone who shares his / her own content online, to have that content stolen and misappropriated as it has been done here.
The claimant in this case fully acknowledges the risks implied in publishing their own content online, such as been reuploaded, reblogged, favorited and so on, to which the user finds no objection. This particular case, however, escapes all that, as it qualifies for a case of identity theft.
I hope you can provide some sensible assistance to this user, and also, that cases like this one may become of the uttermost concern to the site's Administrators, so that, while a definitive solution would undoubtedly prove elusive, users may at least rest assured someone will eventually take notice of their concerns, and address them properly, and sensibly.
Thank you very much, and PLEASE, mind this problem.