Add a 'report user' or 'report fake' button to profile
It might be a way to flag up some of the fake profiles on here. If sufficient numbers of people report the same person for the same reasons, e.g pics stolen from another xH profile or another website, it should ring alarm bells for mods.
Additionally, by providing a free text box as well as a button, web addresses for the source content can be provided for confirmation.

JoannaSlinky commented
And here's an example......... "and so everyone knos..... this is a nasty skank from ppl who hope to lure you into their sick and pathetic faske world... ppl of nasty hygiene... who dont kno wat a razor is for.... ppl who will destroy your pictures if they dont like, or cant hav you... this bitch here... deserves nuthing less then death..... it.... is a embarressment to the transgendered community.... DIE SKANK!!!!!! DIE!!!! FAKE ASS WHORE!!!!!!" - that was posted to my profile page earlier today.
JoannaSlinky commented
I've today had a bunch of threats including generalised death wishes (not specific threats) from 3DXXXSHEMALE which are still on my profile page. Seems the site are hugely keen on stopping used of words like ASL*** (the opposite of awake) but can't be bothered to let us report personal attacks.
Anonymous commented
The report feature needs to be added.
Anonymous commented
The same thing with LiveCams, a bunch of rude women and couples when you ask them to do things for you. Also when LiveCam models don't talk to you, they're only talking to certain members, and then you know they're fake.
Anonymous commented
Once a profile has been 'reported', it should be AUTOMATICALLY locked until it can be properly reviewed, 5-10+ FAKE AND BLATANTLY OBVIOUS SPAM PROFILES A DAY pop up on here and a certain few members(Golias, Oldperv, to name a few) do nothing but constantly welcome these bastards here!
The quicker these fake profiles get locked(ie, dont allow the damn things to stay open for DAYS)the sooner this shit can be dealt with.
I highly recommend ANYONE, seen to be constantly welcoming/encouraging profiles that are obviously fake, should be BANNED from xhamster!
bob commented
when will tributes stop appearing as related in gay content?
nik commented
we used to have this option (not sure why it disappeared) and i think stopped a lot of videos claiming to be live feeds plus fake spammers to
Self-control commented
Eman11, it only counts a vote by unique IP address. It takes 50 unique people to terminate an acct as far as I've been told.
Eman11 commented
Too many vindictive users on here for that to go well. I can see it now. One user makes 30 accounts to screw someone hahah
Anonymous commented
Yeah, like there is some profiles u cant report coz there is just a present there instead of report... i know of one person that us a male but sayin they r female, but cant report to xham coz its just the present thing.......
Anonymous commented
I'd like to know how DAILY, the same spammer site signs up under so many fake accounts......Who the hell is allowing this?
Does Xhamster have automatic approval of new members? It sure seems like it, because, several of Us are constantly reporting fake profiles that are so obviously not real people, there is no way anyone with half a brain could ever aprove them in the 1st place!
I think, if a profile is flagged, it, and all galleries attached, should be instantly locked and unavailable to anyone, until it has been PROPERLY checked out and dealt with by Admin.
Almost every time I check out one of the fake profiles, its the SAME few idiots constantly welcoming the spammers....OLDPERV, is a good example! Its not like a fake profile is hard to spot(no content, sometimes no profile pic, every gallery photo is tagged with the 'leghumpers' on here are sooo desperate to make friends, they think with the wrong head!
Self-control commented
We used to have this feature, and it needs to come back! The site is going downhill without it!
eellee commented
A very bad idea which ultimately will be abused. Are transsexuals going to branded as fake because they are men that look and act like women? Are people that do not want to expose their identity to the entire world going to be ostracized. and put on some kind of list so that others can abuse them? Unless this is rampant on xhamster and literally destroying the sight I wouldn't worry about it.
Anonymous commented
good luck with that, its just not gonna happen ;)
xhamster as any other similar site does not want this feature since most of the fake profiles are created by site admins/mods and or cam models themselves to attract paying (male) customers...however its very easy to spot most of the fakes right away with simply checking their avatar or what they claim "me" pics under google images. 90% of the time you get pages of hits in google and easily see its a fake who just copied the pic from any other porn site ;)
Anonymous commented
Nearly half of the profile here are fake and/or bot generated.
This is not cool. -
MyProfilesUFucked commented
already there pal,its called FLAG
and many haters use it for nothing -
SelinaBitch commented
It would be great to be able to report fake profiles cos there are a lot and i'm really fed up about those. Please...
james west commented
user partyrocker claims to be underage, 17, in their about me section. i want to report this but i can not find a link to do this. does anyone know how this can be done?
Anonymous commented
yes please and a "comment reporting system".. i found a guy who said religion things to me and i am very much offended and there is nothing i can do about it.
sailor74Anonymous commented
it is a good idea - a button and a kind of pop-up where you can fill the URL with the original content as a proof or something like that. If I write a comment for these profiles with my usual Fake-Alarm message it is deleted, the user blocks me and a lot lof user are not critical enough.... I'm getting pissed off.....