Stop Automatically adding profiles that you send friend request to your subscription list
Stop Automatically adding profiles that you send friend request to your subscription list. Just because you send a person a friend request doesn't mean you want to Subscribe to their Content.

Dsquare69x commented
And, why can we not reject/decline a subscription like a friend request. There is no way to remove people from the subscription list without blocking them. I don't want to have to go through that, and I only want to block people who are a problem. That way, when they switch to another profile and try to contact you again, it's easier to spot them.
onlyme1111 commented
Yes this is a massive ballsache as i want to keep my subscribed list to find users videos and material quickly and not sift through an entire friends list to find the content i require.
Why does it have to add subscriber to a friend request, let this be and option to turn off please.