post only REAL amateur videos and pictures as "amateur"
The category "amateur" is full of professionals and even stars from porn movies. Sure they are sexy, but "amateur" should be only private couples. I would like to find the videos faster and not have to click and scroll through dozens of professional videos who should be listed in other categories.
Adminlynx (Admin, xHamster) commented
This is the eternal struggle as people differ.
Our content is 100% user-generated, so we can`t restrict the users to label the videos as "amateur" or "semi-amateur".
However, we`ll discuss this issue with our reviewers so that they could help properly tag the related videos.
xHamster Team
Drandall commented
I agree, we like real amatuers
WENDY commented
better still have a homemade category
in the meantime I am trying to get a slow motion feature on the video player any votes would help xx -
markpabear commented
There is no option for reviewers to change the category from pro to amateur or vice versa there should be as there should be many more reviewer controls for the reviewers in my opinion
Anonymous commented
I like to post my wife...I'd like to go to the 'amateur' page and find other wives, girlfriends etc....not all this commercial cr*p......Post it where it belongs...not where it doesn't ! Voyeurist00
Anonymous commented
I totally agree. It seems like a fair few 'amateur' videos are anything but.
Anonymous commented
Amateur also now seems to mean "I found these random pictures of fully clothed women on Face Book and posted them here with a stupid title... like 'Sluts' or "Which would you fuck"....."
This is not only clogging up the site it is weird, creepy and stalking behaviour and I wish it would STOP!
alex commented
I won't understand at all, as where?
often male penises get to category of "nipples" and other.
and moderating strange - my photo from a nudist beach (with the person!) defined in "man", and this fragment of a penis why that remains in this category -
Rainbowrider commented
A vote for this. When yo look about amateur, you want amateur, and not professional content.
fro69 commented
Play my video
bob commented
when will tributes stop appearing as related in gay content?
gravygreg73 commented
fuckin a right this site is begging to worry me about honesty
MysteriousAngel commented
I just posted my own suggestion to make video category tags accesable to the public. In that - the public could add missing tags that appropriately categorize the video. In addition to have the ability to publicly vote up/down +/- various tags.
"Amateur" video containing pros? Simple, vote down the category tag amateur.
This can then in-turn be leveraged by the search algorithm and category filter is appropriately display content.
Anonymous commented
I posted and voted in favor of this proposal. Then I wondered how it could be implemented. About 2/3rds of the vids posted to xHamster claim to be of someone’s wife or girlfriend or husband or pet engaged in real-world activity with someone else’s wife or girlfriend or husband or pet. There’s no way to police descriptons.
But then I intentionally set out fo see if I could tell the real from the hoax. And I think I did, at least well enough to satisfy myself. It can’t be done automatically. Someone has to screen. But what might be easier to administer would be a flagging system for amateur vids (and in each category, for that matter). If enough people flagged a vid, it would either (a) be removed automatically or (b) referred to a moderator. Based on CL and similar systems, it’s pretty clear that abuse of flagging diminishes rapidly after people get tired of using it spuriously. And on systems like xHamster where there is a sort of community, abuse would happen even less, perhaps not at all. I say go for it and if it’s too much trouble, you can always default to the way it is now.
Anonymous commented
i don't see how you would be able to tell which was which necessarily. If a porn producer wants to make something look "amateur" it's certainly easy enough to do. And if "amateur" is something people really want, which it is, then people producing porn are going to capitalize on it. i don't see how you could really enforce that.
jay commented
I must agree, even to me a web can is possibly someone getting paid. One of the main reasons I first came to this site and still do is the real amateur content. I agree with a prior posting, perhaps let members flag it to the appropriate category thanks
kimbung commented
i need a poroducer to sign me i want to be in the industry
Anonymous commented
Find some reviewers who will do reviewing and maybe this problem will be solved. But the reviewers spend more time in cam rooms and moderating on other sites to feed their egos instead of what they signed up for. Get new reviewers ffs
BlkCruelt commented
I would like to see BOTH stricter controls on the amateur category (community moderated?, one or more people in the vid are "true" amateurs) AND an additional category for Homemade. True, they are overlapping and not identical.
Anonymous commented
Maybe we need a Homemade catagory which I think is what this is about.