post only REAL amateur videos and pictures as "amateur"
The category "amateur" is full of professionals and even stars from porn movies. Sure they are sexy, but "amateur" should be only private couples. I would like to find the videos faster and not have to click and scroll through dozens of professional videos who should be listed in other categories.
Anonymous commented
I've been tempted to start a site with my own private vids and only allow other vids that were very clearly homemade. Sometimes I like pro videos and have no problem finding them - but when I look for real amateurs it's always a pain in the a$$. I wind up watching my own which are great but ... variety is the spice of life, etc.
Anyway - I agree that more should be done to "police" the amateur section. In the short term XH might be increasing hits but in the long term they'll have lost a large segment of their core demo to an upstart company providing exactly what the customers are requesting.
PeepingTom80 commented
The only purpose the Amateur category currently serves, is it helps XHamster's SEO. After recently going through god knows how many pages of the Amateur section, I've found you're just as likely to find an amateur video just as easy without going into the amateur category.
If I want to see amateur video (which I prefer more than professional video) I go Yuvutu.