Can you add Bisexual to gender
Could you add Bisexual to The gender category
either just bisexual or Male bisexual and female bisexual

It is within our plans.
Zero Charisma commented
not to yuck anyone's yum, but bi sexual would be a preference, not a 'gender'.
Anonymous commented
Still not there
sexyhairybutt commented
Another 5 years to put the bisexual category? Lol.
steph-22 commented
A really good idea !
D commented
Its a badly constructed category to begin with....really, you should just need a Male/Female/Trans option for gender, and then fill in the rest in the "Seeking..." box - Man, Woman, Either, Trans, Straight Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, or Nobody would seem to cover all the relevant combinations.
Noria9 commented
totally agree ! I'm Bisexual and i'm very looking for that option.
Jet commented
yes i agree with this one , i am Transgender , however their is only a transexual option , so i have simply put " man " i also think in the picture categories you could add Transgender as a lot of us presently have to post in amateur as we are not transexual or she male .