What happened to the download button?
What happened to the download button?

Lukus Joe Hal commented
Removing the download button only made me go to other sites that had a download button
Anonymous commented
Bc they some little bitches download option would bring more followers
Alex Koparanian commented
you guys have a lot of good content not gonna lie.. I guess I understand why you think removing the download button was a good business move, basically my guess is that you figure that allowing users to download videos would decrease the amount of people who are actively using the site.. that may be true to a small extent, but, generally speaking that's not necessarily true because those people who downloaded will absolutely come back for more old and new content
Störung commented
Mac users, check out Downie via Setapp and download anything and everything with ease!
Störung commented
Mac users, install Downie via Setapp and download anything and everything with ease!
Umer Ali commented
Please add download button back
MOS commented
No download function will ever be reinstated. How else are they going to get us to buy shit.
Anonymous commented
no downloads really puts you in a rather useless category
Anonymous commented
need download button back
Anonymous commented
no comment
act51 commented
Download button please. (It should never have been removed)
silvano camicia commented
non cè la possibilità dei download molto meno interessante mi dispiace tanto
Leo King commented
Bring back the download button now!
Chris commented
Please consider bring it back, it's what made the difference between you and your competitors sites.
Many Thanks C
Joshua commented
yeah definitely need the download button back
Anonymous commented
jävla skit.
محمدرضا میرزایی commented
دکمه بارگیری چهشد
Anonymous commented
Please bring back the download button on xhamster.
soorya commented
Bring Back the download button
Anonymous commented
removing the download button would put xhamster in a very disadvantaged situation, especially since we can't see a list of our subscriptions in xhamster the same way we do in other porn sites.