increase maximum number of friends
Increase maximum number of friends beyond 5000.
It could be much larger.

Anonymous commented
god yeah!! I agree!! 5k is ridiculously low for a worldwide site!!! we have to keep making new profiles then popping in and out of the 'old one's!! either that or upset folks by deleting loads??? which surely is incredibly mean?? XHAM. PLZ SORT!! note. No we don't necessarily talk to them all but its a way they can VIEW YOUR own videos/photos IF WE HAVE PRIVATE PROFILES??..and for models/porn actors/actresses to accrue can we do that if we have to keep opening prof after prof?? ridiculous!!! some camgirls on twitter say have over 40K followers!! whats the problem?? gotta now keep swop swop swop from ac to ac, crazy.
onlyme1111 commented
why so many as they are not friends if you do not chat to them all, just a statistic to say i have so many friends, delete all your friends you do not chat with and then post back here how many friends you really have.
Anonymous commented
This is a good idea. It would be nice to not reach a friendship limit. There a lot of popular and professional profiles on xhamster that unfortunately reach a friend limit too soon.
Anonymous commented
How is limiting the maximum friends to 200 supposed to weed out spammers? It's easy to tell if a profile is a spammer. If you find one, just refuse the friend request.
Anonymous commented
Actually, how about reducing it to 200 maximum friends to weed out spammers?