I'd like to see more before and after , " same pose " , rear shots .
Any rear pose will do but ( Bending over ) is preferred . Just keep the same pose .
Billy commented
I guess Michael Wilson is voting on this everyday without logging in because nobody else could take this seriously lol
RockBitch commented
What kind of fucking spammer is you?
fucking retard -
Michael Willson commented
As a connoisseur of soft porn , and of the female derriere in particular , I am perplexed by the lack of interest
of this superb suggestion . The powers that be are missing a golden opportunity to cash in on a gold mine . Of all
the various parts of the female form , the posterior is the most expressive . Just by shifting her weight from side to
side , a women's BUTT cheeks can take on a whole new personally , and with the addition of the ASSHOLE and
PUSSY , the possibilities are endless . It's time to put an end to all these cookie cutter TIT and PUSSY , BEFORE
and AFTER front shots and get with the program . " GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR " and switch to the " REAR "