The ability to change our online status
Once the person signs in, the person will automatically have the "online" status. But the person will have the option to go to their profile, click on "My Availability" and choose from:
- Online
- Busy (or "Watching Porn")
- Invisible to Everyone

Assem commented
اريد فتح التحميل
Riza NEJBE commented
Türkçe altyazılı
Ajmal Morni commented
Pathan Saab commented
My Xhamaster not working
MrsDelilahKay commented
The fact that this doesn't exist at this point is shocking
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea. Would love to see this.
Liam commented
Why is this not a thing yet still? I think this is the only sical adult site I have ever seen to not incude a staus toggle. The fact that it's not being done means they have a reason of some kind. I would be very interested in what and why that is. They have obviously disscussed this. Not something you would miss ot overlook on these kind of sites ecspecially. I dont see any ADMIN comments or any from ppl that work for this site talkling on this topic. I am dying to know now what is the motivation to not have it and ignore that obviously we all wanted this yhesterday.
Anonymous commented
Does not work...Where is the "My Availability" pull down?
Anonymous commented
When someone’s profile says last seen 1 day ago what does that mean?
Jacktoffcum commented
oipen_me commented
This needs an "away" status, like FB has. If the tab is not focused, or the window minimised, the status should change to "away" so that people don't think I am online when in fact I have the tab minimised since several days.
Nev Eryewmin'd commented
Why xham haven't jumped on this is beyond me! Finally, a good idea, something the show runners can boast about, but it has not been done yet. Get your collective fingers out xham!
Anonymous commented
Great idea. I hate watching and enjoying porn, but a 'friend' wants to chat. No offense to them, but I just want to jerk. Good suggestion
Dave Pornwriter commented
Excellent idea - some of my friends seem to have found a way to do this - they appear to not be online, but are able to respond to PMs really quickly - how do they do that?
Loser01 commented
That's right! Many people who write me were confused because I didn't answer, but I only left my Computer for a while. Pleasure find another option
MR BBW Fister commented
I agree, I leave my computer on all the time and people assume I am here.
Mya commented
This would be a great option. I would like to be able to do this on a more individual level like appear online to some friends and Offline to specific users that I choose on an individual basis.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to appear Offline to specific users of my choosing while still appearing Online to others.
Pr0n_Glutton commented
Most of my messages come from people who think I am online when I'm not. It's past time I had the ability to change my status manually.
Anna commented
Invisible mode would be a blessing! Thanks guys