active user voting for removing content from appearing. AND offer it as a setting included upon subscribing
Making available the option to vote on a randomly generated video/pic/story/etc & their vote goes towards content removal from appearing after search queries. that content if removed only gets placed under XH searches of any available content media on your site pages that was NOT voted by (XH registered)users* to be removed. and combining the overall affect makes collection A and B your total searchable results available. which creates A as the pool of majority results displayed after searches that also includes B content but A content values more displayed than B content material. meaning that B query pool is considered a form of its own percentage-of-appearance to complete the values of any content is showing on XH site pages such as when searches involve filters that is always an automatic tool when XH results will display content(A+B)media. not necessary to consider a page limit to results unless XH decides(if any)as that matches a place needed to be 'the defined category' pool for search results in which may help upkeep content with an A and B totaling user experience if this site can manage that kind of Tail[:-)}...up-kept by a type such as called, "user control" then my suggestion goes toward the possible stepping up a way to age verify. but I figure . this way content can be considered updated withoutthat to be something across the web so probably not this sites cup of tea. just feel it to be a good direction but still keeping focus to this suggestion so as to make sure to highlight the point that ensures this would be done without media loss to a user which would keep user experience within the users applicable application of creativity matters. offering a variety of voting types of input for brief time slots if found more functional than other tool options is another helpful use about this kind of tool. opting out option also brings the complaint nature to a user experience but please make sure. possible event on this site means they can be apart of the selected refining process which keeps XH home pages free from potentially harmful content whereas if users stumbling upon XH site pages occurs. if I didn't completely satisfy the nature of my suggestion I may be contacted regarding further details.