Searching local profiles
I think searching local should be more like if I'm looking in a particular area or country I should be able to see all the profiles that are there. It should be for both gender man and women. Whenever I look for profiles in my country, I get dissappointed not to find any because sometimes you can forget a name and it becomes difficult. I humbly request that whenever we are searching we get all the profiles that are in this area or country for both gender.
Have you tried switching on the geo settings in your profile? You can choose per city / country, as well as localize your porn searches by adding more details to your search, including usernames.
Anonymus commented
@Admin: Choosing first by Countries is in the first step ok.
BUT: Choosing BY NAMES of cities or areas in the second step is stupid. There are thousend names of cities and some users write down a little cottage. How should that work??????The only thing that helps in the second step are N U M B E R S !!! Strictly speaking: NUMBERS of postcodes. The first two NUMBERS should help very much!!!
That is the only solution!
Anonymus commented
Es ist unglaublich, dass xh eine solche Suchmöglichkeit (immer noch) nicht eingerichtet hat. Allerdings funktioniert das nur, wenn schon bei der Registrierung jeder User sein Land und die ersten beiden Zahlen der Postleitzahl angibt oder angeben MUSS. Letztlich funktioniert die Suche nach der Region nur über Zahlen (Postleitzahl) und nicht über Wohnortangabe.
It is unbelievable, that xh did not implement this option. Every user who wants to registrate here has to make not only the information in which country he lives. He has to give information about his postcode too by writing down the first and second number. The searching only works by numbers and not by names of cities or areas.