Story percentage rating sucks, change it.
Why begin with 100% with zero activity on stories? To me this doesn't make sense. one negative click removes far too much of your percentage.
Percentage scoring is ok, but needs to be worked in fair way.
Wouldn't it be better to operate a simple multiple choice click option, to get readers thoughts.(not many like to type out comments and be attached to them visibly) like "story quality","arousing rater", "well written" or "not enough sexual content". make it analytical so users could drop to the information and decide weather to read on once viewed, as percentages don't give you a good scope on why the content is rated at its current percentage.
This should help readers/users to make a better decision to read or not, I believe too much good content is being missed because of this.
Townsman commented
If one person votes then it has to be 100% can't be less or more. So that is fair.
A 5 point system
Oh! MY!!
Hot and bothered
OK, how was it for you?
Mildly Titillating
Not doing it for me.