Treat women with respect in your Titles
It is very old fashion, sexist and degrading to allowed insults such as Bitch, Slut and Whore in the titles of the Videos.
There is no reason to call a human being those ugly and unrespectful names for a perfectly natural behaviour like enjoying having sex. The funny part is that there is no insults for men that are doing exactly the same thing, and if there were i would ask the same. is time to change this violent lenguage against women.

Vera commented
What kind of argument is that Adam? Women can be misogynistic too, that doesn't make it right.
Those terms are the tip of the iceberg of violence against women. The fact that you and your wife can't see it is concerning. -
Adam Tiny commented
You do realize a lot of clips are uploaded by women, no? Which means the titles are set by them. My wife for example uses "slut" in a lot of her titles.... What you are asking is just another rule to limit creators who are already fed up with all the rules set by payment companies and overzealous sites...
Billy Burns commented
Well I feel personally that's the beauty of the whole thing is the women because you have a gift beyond dreams you have so many ways to please a man and a woman I'm not gay but I am bi curious but I have always wondered what it would be like but my girlfriend uses her sex toys home Depot anal anal sex and he actually gave me my first anal orgasm all right wow
Caitlin commented
If I could change one thing about XH it would be this (if I could change two things I'd also get rid of all the step-sister BS, but one problem at a time). It's a massive turn-off for most women to have to scroll past all this misogynistic crap where a woman gets labelled a slut because she dares to enjoy sex. It's a porn site you idiots, of course we enjoy sex!
I know this is a social problem that XH can't solve on its own, but you can help by not making things worse and sending such a terrible message. You might be surprised how much more engagement you get from the 50% of the market you're currently under-serving.
Vera commented
Suzy who hurt you? Stop normalizing violence with any excuse, if you need to be insulted to get turned on...get help
Suzy commented
Wtf is wrong with you bitches?!? This is a porn site, and even though you might not like it, there are a lot more women that get turned on from being degraded, and being someone’s slut or bitch or slave... nobody is actually putting women down, it’s a sex thing and you lames are just far too basic to understand the concept
Anonymous commented
I agree completely and never open post with this sort of title
Andrea Lischetti commented
That's right, one is insulted; treated disrespectfully and written to. Like you horny fat bitch, I'll ram you my cock so hard and deep in your pussy mouth. and much more. There is no longer any respectful mutual respect. or no no is accepted. My blog list is almost 300. Does it have to get that far first?
Rocca commented
Yes Rocco! Let's keep living in the dark ages
Rocco commented
feminist these days
Miss B commented
Right, if a woman like sex and sleep around she is a slut, if a guy like sex and sleep around he is...promiscuous. Sex is not dirty, sorry to burst your bubble
Gordon commented
You don't speak for all women. I get very turned on by being called degrading names during sex. It's a one of the sexual fantasies i enjoy regularly that in no way carries over to the rest of my marriage or other relationships. My body, my choice.
Ben commented
Why women cannot enjoy xhamster? It will put me off titles calling every guy a "pig", and certainly there are a lot of pejorative titles for the ladies, no excuse for that, what time is it? 2020 folks
Anonymous commented
No , the person is right , treat women correctly in your titles .
We are not all like you losers who call women sluts because they are nude and think it is good simply because we are on a porn site.
Anonymous commented
Asking for respect and manners totally in. #metoo
Aires commented
xHamster is the wrong site for you.