why women in the cam section no longer be displayed in red in the list of cam visitors?
why women in the cam section no longer be displayed in red in the list of cam visitors?
now all usere are displayed in black.
must be somthing new , or ?
i think the cam models should have the possibility to see where is in the cam room .
whether woman, gay. tranny man etc.
now we can not see what gender is in our cam room. thats shit :(
sorry 4 my open words
why xham change good thing ???
You can undo this ,please .
red 4 women
black 4 man
green for Fakes
violet for gay
etc ... In short .... as it was once
and one note !
can xham make a new color example
green for Fake Profil :)))))
All suggestions about Cam section you can submit here https://help.xhamsterlive.com/en/support/home
tonywall commented
I agree with this also,And I here a lot of users complain that
certain individuals ,fakes ,or What ever you want to call them here that go around telling others they are cam mods and support profiles when actually they are not,and have separate windows to lots of cams open at once slowing down the system.all in a heated need to feel important.So if you could also limit the number of windows one user could have open in the cam section at once it would be Great