Banned violethayes and bigsquirt4you they do nothing for the cam section but cause drama and beg for tokens. You need to get ANGEL DELUCA
Angel DeLuca was better than all models here now. She did nothing but make this bad cam section good. If not for her no costumer here. You allowed a cheater and drama bitches stay instead of banning them like you should have already. I will keep posting thiese petitions up Til they go. They no deserve to be on any cam sites. I work on getting them banned from all cam site so that no one has to deal with there PUR DRAMA that they are. Both loser ass bitches and stupid token whores. NEVER give good show and always lie about who in there room with false pictures. You as in XHAMSTER need to not be lazy and stupid and kick the girls who REALLY deserve to be banned. But instead you keep the drama token whores that do the same thing all day every day DRAMA you xhamster are stupid for not banning them and getting Angel DLuca to stay. I wait for cam section to go shit you already have lost 1000s of members because you keep nothing but DRAMA causing token whores GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER YOU STUPID SITE WORKERS AND DO YOUR JOBS RIGHT.
Dave commented
Trinity, the BBW with the rotating pot leaf, can dish it out to viewers but she sure can't take it. What a tease and way too sensitive. Banned for no reason except her feelings are hurt. Know what I mean????
Billy commented
Who is Angel DeLuca?
hahahaha commented
intomaysexagain commented
don't understand why anyone is feeding this troll
Jono commented
xHamter may have lost thousands of viewers but they have gained millions more so this will be flagged as inappropriate also i will be sending your profile off to support the words you have used in this statement both state slander against bigsquirt4you and violet hayes which now they could both seek legal action i suggest you move this with immidiate affect.
Bigsquirt4you commented
Someone else before made a pettion for ban angeldeluca but she never was banned lol...why we will be banned because of you? u think u are smarter than us if u do this? no way u are not...we are much better than you...and no ,we no create drama here......if u understood that that means u no have brain..someone else started drama here ....idk if u in ur life saw me to talk bad about others if i no get first place or call them cheaters at every 3 are just crazy and us the best
Violet Hayes commented
I feel sorry for this guy. We don't spend our time and energy hating people as much as you. Perhaps you should do a little research about all that happened surrounding Angel, she is in NO way innocent, she started most of the drama on this site. Anything that happened to her were purely repercussions for her unacceptable behavior. If you want to be her fan then go be her fan and leave others alone. I actually hope she's happier so she no longer feels the need to lie about and backstab others just to be #1
The reason Angel had so many problems here is because she badmouthed many other models and made fake accounts the way you do to harass other models. Xhamster confirmed the harassment was from her IP address.
Learn the truth before you judge and either follow Angel with blind love or open your eyes. Either way please find a way to purge your hate and be happier.
Bigsquirt4you commented
And i want to say just one thing more......i dont beg for tokens.....i just ask for my job this tokens i never asked for free tokens..that no means i feel sorry for you cus u cant make difference of this both....if we models will not make tokens here then xhamster will be closed cus will not have profit to keep this on and prize of contest will not be u lost again with this comment.....byeeee jelouse ....
Bigsquirt4you commented
I really dont know who is a fucking loser here...:)):)) this comment make me laught are fucking jelouse because me and vio are the best here and work for our job alot......if this month she will win first then she will be a cheater too ??? or if another model will win firsst then she will be a cheater too? if u are the best here that means u are a cheater i understand.....Vio and me are hated here cus we are the best if we were in 10 th place then we were a great person and not a bitch and a cheater:)):)):)) hahaha i just can say THANKS KarmasABitch1 because u make us popular here wit this...u show how much u hate me but people will see how bad you make u more jelouse here.....WE ARE AND WE WILL BE THE BEST much we will can....
Your a waste of a human VIOLRTHAYES & bigsquirt4you you will always suck and have to use lame tactics to make anything of yourselves. For those you think I'm angel you fucking stupid. You all can't stand that she has real fans that are loyal and not little bitches like all you. You all think and try say bad things about angel when not once did angel ever do anything to anything and you all try point finger at her cause she was the ONLY ONE that is and will always be someone unlike you losers. You delete my account because I tell truth and you dumb bitches can't handle it. You could got called out and put on blast and you both would still lie even with proof that you are lying. You people as in wanna be fans that are nothing but little bitches that believe liers. You laugh violet cause you try to hide the truth that you suck and always will. How many site you fail on now......? Hahahahaha fucking loser ass bitches. Bigsquirt4you is just as bad as violet with her lies, cheating and how she act. You all need to open eyes and see the REAL truth. Jadore you are stupid dumb ass bitch who think you know shit when you know nothing. Keep your nose out of other people problem. You no know nothing. I hate people like you, try to get in on others busyness cause you are a loser bitch too. People that have common sense know what violethayes and bigsquirt4you did and still do to poor Angel who has nothing to and has had nothing to do with all people in your rooms. It has been me this whole time. Since June. I watch everything both girls did and everyone who think that is ok to do to someone......what say about that person trying to get a girl and her wife rapped and killed because they can't win her.
NOTHING IS ALL YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE. Karma is a bitch and you both deserve everything that happens you. And I know that karma is coming for you both. I hope you both lose everything that you love so you can understand what you oth did and still doing is beyond wrong. You both are not human cause another human bein would not try to put others life at risk just so they could TRY to get first.
Violet Hayes commented
Hahaha! Thanks for making me laugh. If this guy doesn't like the site and only Angel then he should follow her to her new site. It's funny that people get SO pissed about certain models but we don't force anyone to watch us.
silversweet commented
dont have a clue who angel is but
AliciasKnickers commented
We will NEVER need dulca back - she caused more trouble than all the other models put together. Take your nasty spiteful suggestion and shove it where the sun does not shine. This site is 100% better now deluca has gone and trolls like you are just stirring up trouble. We do not need you on this site!
I would suggest everybody ignores this for the sake of the site. Don't vote for it. Don't comment on it. Just let it sit here and die please