listen to my MULTIPLE IDEAS.
Your search engine is HORRIBLE. Start by adding a more precise "keyword" search... I for one am straight, I dont need to see 1000 "gay" videos before I see one single "straight" video. HORRIBLE.
People despise Facebook, but the messaging AND notification system is flawless in terms of the notification aspect. GET WITH THE EFFIN' PROGAM, Please.
A much more comprehensive search in general. Once yalls correct the gender/preference option (stated in number 1), then make a seriously more accurate search, KEYWORD BASED. Get your audience to interact... Let THEM vote for the best keywords, sort of Wiki type of answers vs. answer based algorithm.
4, 5, 6, AND 7. Hire better scriptors. HTML AND ALLLLLLL. Yall shit sucks script-wise.

Anonymous commented has the worst color concepts of all websites. They have ZERO clue as to how to direct traffic into a certain portain of the website.