More diversity in the Related Videos section
The "Related Videos" section below videos is not doing a really good job to get you more of the same without own initiative.
The main problem is that it tends to fill the entire suggestion list with videos from the same uploader. The catch here is that it does not even do that in a random order, so if you go to another video of that uploader you will end up with pretty much the same list of related videos because it orders them by upload date, so you have to keep using the arrow buttons on the sides if you want a bit more variety, but you have to scroll further with every video.
An ideal system would fill the first line of the Related Videos with a random selection of videos from the same uploader but let any kind of video take precedence that matches the title and tags of the current video than other videos of the uploader.
The second line of videos would be more from the same category and tags.
This system would persist on the following pages of the Related Videos list: top line gives related stuff from the uploader, bottom line gives related videos from the entire collection of the site.