Provide easy browsing for the hundreds of pages in a category, thousands of vids that never get seen, between the oldest and the newest.
In one of my favorite categories, there are literally a thousand pages of archived clips. The newest ones are easy to review, as are the oldest. But everything in-between requires tracking back four pages at a time, looking, going back another four pages at a time -- and even at that snail's pace, you miss three out of every four pages. I know, who wants to look at all the duplicates and crappy vids? Obviously, no one -- but what about the gems hidden in the tailings (no pun intended, but it's a good one)? That's what I'm talking about: all the good stuff that search can't find because you don't know enough to ask for it, and that random browsing won't turn up for three months. Maybe an easier way to turn pages would work. You're the smart folks, you're earning beaucoup bucks. It's your job!