A way to see who likes and/or dislikes your photos/videos
It's great to see something gets more and more likes, but it would be great to see exactly who likes (or dislikes) a photo or video. It would really help the interaction. You could contact someone who likes a picture to thank them for instance.
DBen commented
strange comments in some of this page!! DB agrees with some of them
Anonymous commented
Sure, absolutely agree with this suggestion.
Many time using this option on other sites I was writing to the person who give me "like" personally thank you. Also it is very useful, so that you can see how many videos or photos from your content this person likes, or dislikes: for example - one, or maybe ten, etc. -
Bnaughty commented
Would like to hear an opinion from a "down voter" and why you do this.
I reckon that the time it takes to go through each picture and down vote, you can up load at least 10 or 15 pictures.
WHAT makes you tick? -
OverdriveFive commented
Agree with calls for seeing who does the trouble.
Anonymous commented
osnafrank Thanks for the completely pointless comment that has absolutely no bearing on this topic, other than highlighting you as one of the dvtrolls. It is exactly that kind of random hate attack this poll is to prevent.
osnafrank commented
Anonymous said.. This is a good Idea...Anonymous...please shut the Fuck up
[quote] It would really help the interaction[/quote]
Are u kidding me ??!!??
K I N D E R G A R T E N -
Ahmed commented
I agree with it, it is fare to know who likes and dislikes what you share
Bnaughty commented
Agree with you all 100%. I first had to restrict my profile and then my content was being targeted, so I also had to move my galleries to "friends only". This defeats the Xhamster slogan of "just porn, no bullshit". I think being targeted and harassed is classified as "bullshit". I want to share my content with all and not worry about how it will be voted down or used as a tool of vengeance. Please remove the "dislike button"
Anonymous commented
can't eddit my post so:
amber bamber : that was my point exactly :Dthatporncompany : its that attitude that allows the trolls free reign, you as an upper I would have expected more support from, you know as well as I that it is these same users making the false CR and Inapropriarte claims, While it may not bother you (or me as much as others since it not pics of ourselves we upload) members deserve protection from this type of ASSUALT. If you truly feel they do deserve this abuse for simply sharing pics just reply to this asking all readers to go dv all your galleries :D
Anonymous commented
amber bamber : that was my point exactly :D
thatporncompany : its that attitude that allows the trolls free reign, you as an upper I would have expected more support from, you know as well as I that it is these same users making the false CR and Inapropriarte claims, While it may not bother you (or me as much as others since it not pics of ourselves we upload) members deserve protection from this type of ASSUALT. If you truly feel they do not simply reply to this asking all readers to go dv all your galleries :D
amber bamber commented
Thing that pisses me off is when someone visits a profile and spends a few mins voting down every photo, and then moves on to another part of the site. That's not natural surfing behaviour by someone looking for wank fodder. That's systematically attacking someone.
thatporncompany commented
I think I've already commented here some months ago, but since this topic has been brought to my attention again today I'll give it another go.
If I add a video or gallery to my favorites I automatically press the "like" button. If I don't like a video I move on. Downvoting is moronic IMO.
Many more people vote on vids than they do on pictures. That's why the trolls concentrate their venom on photos, since it has much greater impact on the "score."
I don't see a solution to this problem that is likely to get implemented. Best to just ignore the trolls.
Anonymous commented
oh and adding enough chars to status updates to let us link to these topics without shorten sites (Which no sane person trust) would be nice ;D
Anonymous commented
I love the idea, I upload alot of pics and they all have only one downvote. xham stop the vote trolling please. To many users are getting entire galleries downvoted by a single person most likely doing it to get their galleries ranked higher. You should have the ability to identify these people and block them from viewing your uploads. What these mass downvoters are doing could be considered a "personal assault" to some extent, and it should be stopped. I would also like to mention that in almost all countries you have the right to know the identity of your accusers.
since I get an endless gerbil wheel of death when I try to register here:
http://xhamster.com/user/shapleigh -
jane commented
This is to the comment posted july 16th @ 7:30....as much as I understand what you would like to kno about your fav's.....this post is for the removal of the dislike button, or a better voting system.... please go to the main screen and post a board about your issue....this particular board has nothing to do with what you are talking about...........but please show your support for this posting, becas I am sure your topic would be of intrest to others as well......thank you.......
Anonymous commented
this is a great way to express your comments pro or con !
Hangdog90 commented
Yes please let us have this
Anonymous commented
i would like to know where any videos or photos i have uploaded have been favourited on xhamster. a lot of times people dont bother voting for a like or dislike (although that would be great to see too).....let alone add comments - so to see where your work has ended up and being appreciated would make me want to upload a lot more!
ej commented
this has become a problem lately that other contributors are noticing. the "who upvoted & downvoted" feature may be difficult, but doing away with the "thumbs down" button could help. some pages on reddit are configured this way, meaning the best content is the most liked, not just the content with the least haters.
Anonymous commented
O.K. nEWb here, this is the first thing I have ever voted on, I was promted 1, 2 or 3 votes :? So I chose 3 since this issue affects and infuriates me. I have had entire galleries of 98 pics each (That's the max number of pics displayed on the gallery view page, and the reason I limit my galleries to that), downvoted entirely by one user. The result of this is galleries being pushed out of search results, as I am certain anyone reading this is fully aware of. I don't know 100% why some profiles are targeted and others not, but I have some pretty stong beliefs as to why. It must first be noted that my opinion is slightly biased based on the prejudicial
judgements and comments left on my page. Example, some idiot posting coms about you being a, pedo for sharing a pic that returns over 200 matches on tineye and has been floating around the web since it was. I have heard rumors that reviewer can downvote entire galleries with one click. While I have no proof of that, the circumstanceable evidence is overwhelming..... Anyway I have gotten off topic.friend
Excellent views. Please have a look, vote and air your comments on this page.Hope something gets done about this as it is extremely disheartening to see content down voted.
100% argeed, "friends only" basically says "Only for people who have seen these pics before"... IMO..., We would need a [B]very[/B] strong and clear alternitive before anyone would take us seriously though. My first point of contention is that one downvote drops rating to zero, IMO we already +'ed it by uploading it. Why should uploaders have to take time to vote up their pics. Give uploaders an auto vote + on up, if for some reason they upped a pic they don't like, DV'ing would still be possible. Anywho... I agree that all uppers should get a chat going this!friend
Hi. Hope all is well your side of the pond?
I think we should all have a chat to support about this negative voters and try and sort something out.
I want to share my content with all people and just not a few friends. This is what this site is about sharing.