Show when friends have uploaded new pics and vids
Please can you show us when my friends have uploaded any new photos and vidios. Favorites could be excluded.
Anonymous commented
Unknown what platform you are using and what variant of the site you are using ......
However, for desktop and mobile desktop variants of the site.
You are already told when friends have uploaded new pics and videos to the site.
Click on your avtar image top right hand corner
Dropdown menu appears
Select 'My News'
The My News page appears
On the left hand side ensure that 'My News' is selected.
On the right hand side of that page, ensure at least 'Videos' and 'Photos' are ticked - or just tick the lot.
Then all the latest activity by users you have subscribed too will be shown.NOTE :
When you ask to be a friend of a user, then you are automatically 'Subscribed' to that user - even if they haven't accepted your friends request.
When a user asks to be your friend, when you accept their friends request, you are automatically 'Subscribed' to that user.
If you 'Unsubscribe' from a user, their activity is removed from the contents of that page.
Even though you get shown the activity by users you have subscribed too, if the video / photo are password locked or friends only and you are not a friend - they you will not see that content, just a large box on the page