How a search should proceed
Dear XHamster, your search engine does not always retrieve the desired results. I would like to show how a search of categories should work. First I select a category from your list, any category. Then I type in the search box a desired subject. When I press enter or click the search icon, the results should be the subject I entered under the original category selected. As an example let's first select "All Categories" this take us to "Porn Video Categories". Then we select a letter... say "A", and under "A" we left click on "Asian", we will see a new page open titled "Asian Porn Videos", now in the search box enter any subject you are interested in. Now here is where the search engine isn't perfect. Let us say I enter the word "Femdom" in the search box. The result I want and expect to see is a new page full of Asian porn videos dealing with Femdom. Instead the results are not Asian. The search engines pulls up everything under the sky... but I only wanted to see the videos that are Asian and Femdom only! So, you can give this note to your search engine developer / computer data maintenance expert so that this situation can be better refined and we can find the subjects we are really interested in. Not all Femdoms should be pulled, only those that pertain to the Asian category. You can repeat this exercise with any category and subject and the results will be global, not specific regarding the subject typed in. I hope you can figure out how to get this done. Thank you for providing a great website... but there is always room for improvement!