Pls Put back the download button
Cannot download videos pls concider
ديار هديب فاضل commented
ارجع التنزيل رجائا
Şahismail Ödemiş commented
videoyu önceden indire biliyodum şimdi indiremiyorum yardım edin
Anonymous commented
Please return the download button ... thank you Sam
RecreationPorn commented
I believe it is a good idea to remove the download function because it will allow the video to accumulate more views which will help people earn money from the " Generate Ad Revenue" program that is provided by
zeed alseebee commented
لايمكن تحميل مقاطع الفديوهات ارجو اعادة زر التزيل .
hossam shaker commented
plz put back download button
Lie commented
Please put the dload button
مكارى عادل commented
برجاء تنزيل زر التحميل
Abdulla Farook commented
How to download videos
Lam Hugo commented
please put the download button back
فيصل المحمد commented
يرجى إعادة زر التنزيل
من من commented
Please return the download button please
Adnan Mughal commented
plees put back the downlod bootn
iandury77 commented
please bring back the download button
hossam shaker commented
Pls put back the download button
rereck kaetano commented
todo el mundo quiere bajar desde esta web pero si no se puede se irán a otra en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
everyone wants to download from this web but if you can't they will go in a blink of eyes.your web surviving its in to your hands for a little time. (alea jacta est) .
David Colantuono commented
I agree that the download option should be reinstated. Sometimes, the internet does, indeed, have connection issues. Without the download option, these connection issues will make it very difficult for people to watch videos that they wish to see.
oipen_me commented
Are we being hit again by ignorant American legislation that seeks to restrict and eliminate porn from the internet? Please clarify what the reason is for the removal of the download button. It ridiculous that the download possibility gets removed when that is often the only way to get a decent viewing possibility on a crappy internet connection, and making a personal private collection of our favourite porn to look at when we have no internet.
linus mccargill commented
Due to slow speed internet and buffering, downloading was the only way I could watch videos uninterrupted. Bring back download option.
iandury77 commented
please put the download button back