I like to see Friends lists and Comments be removed from public view. many photos are of poor taste and most comments are not comments !
remove all comments and Friends lists from public views as not all members want to or care to see those list where members have posted nasty photos of cocks and more or use video profiles as many of those video type profiles photos have malware, adware, spyware and viruses as they were taken from a very unsafe site that does not scan for those 4 things and each one can damage computers and disable connections.
comments>> well saying welcome to this site,. add me to your friends list or making a picture using letters are not comments about the model when working in her room... also saying thanks for adding me is not a comment..
this site also has issues with members having their own webcam on hoping the model will c2c with them. well if you know internet these webcams slow down room connections for other members as those webcams use the internet space needs for chats.. as there is an allotment purchased by websites for internet use ... when its cluttered with video garbage like members webcams or members that posted video profile photos it drastically slows down servers so both members and models have hard time.. so block them. if the model wants to c2c with a member she can offer it to the member then wait for the member to connect his webcam to have that chat.
ootu commented
Is it yours to decide what I should be able to see or not?!