Viewing own profile in a single page
I don't have a laptop or desktop. I using the site on my phone. Sony Xperia 10iii on Android 13 browsers are brave and Firefox Nightly. Both get used for different things until you go to profile settings. Using the web app wont work att all. After each setting I get redirected until it's done. That's confusing because you never know how does it look together Today i got asked lot stuff that should be answered by my description. I had a look. Went on my profile, Shock No description . settling yatysdescription After I saved them they were right under my pic and likes I left settings back to profile page. Shock I changed browser search engine screen sizes .. at sone point 8 asked a friend to take pictures mobile Version mobile browser and she did laptop as well Your "App " isn't helping at all . It's more like t a piece stiff piece of wlood I can' zoom using it,and See even less. the main issue is that the tiles or boards atre ro5 big I. 8 found my about me part . But for this vl I had to first my picture and likes to my body stats from there I came tomy address site. Next cane dating search and underneath that I finally see it on mobile you can Only zoom out within each section. Using desktop everything becomes to compact ans small. Zooming in Just gets you lost. It all could be avoided by collapsing sections in mobile Version. Have a Look at your pal X the blue one.. 😉