limit photos/gifs/videos in about me space
put a limit of photos/videos/animated gifs,you can embeed in the about me space in our profiles,too many idiots add way too much and its super anoying
The About Me space is dedicated for every user to develop himself/ herself.
Anonymous commented
If you don't like it then don't look through that person's profile, dipshit. It's not hard. Anyone with a brain can click a person's account and easily access their photos or videos without scanning through their entire profile. Dumbasses and their first world problems.
JACK commented
yes it slows everything down
tom commented
id like to know how to get my pic in the about me space please,if anybody can help me out with any info
ootu commented
Beats me the amount of people wanting to tell others how to run their OWN profile; you don't like someone's profile go someplace else -simple- !
How is that even related to spamming ?
Spammers generally don't have anything in their about me, they just collect friends and have one or two photos max.
goorooo commented
agree,so much spamming from idiots on xhamster,this is ridiculous
ramni commented
the spammers love to add alot of shit in that,NEEDS LIMITS
change-it commented
oh ,spamming from alot of people by doing that,very anoying,all those fucking photos and gifs on that about me,at least put a limit of hot many photos they can add,control the fucking spamming
stop_it commented
a tons of stupid images in that about me should be limited,cause its anoying and the page take a long time to load and its a form of spamming,so LIMIT IT already
ootu commented
What about minding your own page and letting people put whatever pictures they want.
What's next deciding who one can befriend?