Allow general members to broadcast again
Tried to start broadcasting tonight and it appears I now have to sign up as a pro model to broadcast , I'm not a pro model and not trying to make money so why can I no longer broadcast
Samsung S99 commented
Start my broadcast
Anonymous commented
How can i live broadcast in hamster
Anonymous commented
I love this post
misterdp commented
it is bullshite I love cock and there are no men models now
kiethxhamster commented
I used to jerk off to some nice amateur dudes till this shit went pro
Self-control commented
@Julie_Baltimore Go away troll
Julia_Baltimore commented
what a dumb idea
Markpabear commented
fuck all you hoes I love doberman cock
Oronzo commented
Please Someone upload labbra bagnate 1981 by Joe D'Amato aka alexander borsky with pauline teutscher Sonia Benett guia lauri filzi francoise pierrot Mark shannon
Self-control commented
WENDY I didn't vote on your idea but flagged it for deletion. Please put it in the proper topic.
WENDY commented
well this idea isn't going to happen but my idea can, I want to add a slow motion feature to the video player please vote if you can XX -
Mark kenny commented
I signed up as a pro but still don't see where to start my cam!
Vlx3x Com commented
Xhamster should stop removing favorites. Restore all favorite HD xhamter
tony commented
xhamster please please let us ams cam like it used to be I love this sight and I love to cam not trying to make money just want to have fun.
Johnny commented
This and ... Refresh voting daily for the suggestion board so we can keep voting and really see which way the flow is going for 100% of the members
chaipat1509 commented
Adminlynx (Admin, xHamster) commented
@Jen @Anonymous
Nice ideas - thumbs up!
Most of the ideas will be implemented with the new webdesign.
Anonymous commented
Can you show the date of the video on the bottom someplace?
Like to see more videos of the desperate or amateur women that are making a video for the first time, and the interview is only about 5 minutes, long enough to get interested.
And, can you mention how much money a lady or model might be getting for doing a video, that can be a selling point. And, are the ads running in all the major cities of every state? -
Jen commented
Improving Xhamster:
Create chat rooms like AOL use to have.
Stop all censorship & promote free speech for all ideas.
Keep the non porn photos category. We need something to look at when we aren't getting off.
Make it easier to upload more photos. Make it where you can copy & post photos quickly.
Categories to create: Cuckold, foot fetish, lesbian orgies, cheating women porn, deep throat, big ass, muslim porn, hairy pussy, toe sucking.
Under the dating section add who has been on xhamster the longest and who has the most friends.
If you absolutely have to remove photos then remove just the offending photo and not the entire gallery.
Always keep xhamster anonymous & protect privacy for all.
When adding new photos, they automatically go to the top of the gallery. It would be great to have the ability to reorganize the gallery photos - to group together those that belong together, or to simply have it flow better.
No more flagging or reporting people just because you are offended. This is a fucking porn site so expect to be offended at some point. I don't care for she males but I don't report them or try to censor them.
Xhamster should stop removing favorites. Restore all favorites.
How would you improve xhamster?
John Labauve commented
Dam Skippy. Me too I think it's going well with the best results in this country and the world. Do like me look at it all .don't know what to expect.but if the 90% of the world Do that they may be a little twisted and get it on. As long as it's not harming animal! Or kidds go back to sleep