we NEED more options for our blogs
1: knowing how many views we get
2: being able to add poll in a blog
3: being able to see the new blogs of the day on xhamster like we can for videos and photos
blogs are fun and interactive and should be more popular on xhamster,thats why we need those new options for blogs
whoever is in charge on xhamster,make it happen,give us feedbacks,asap,thanks

Mark commented
i 100% agree
Anonymous commented
Definitely a "must have". I have written blogs and I have no idea if anybody is even reading them. If I post a picture or video, I can see if people are viewing them.
Janvier57 commented
Blogs have some problem NOW :
- the new editor have less brackets possibility
- Add an image from a other site with a link became forbidden:
It accept now images only from xhamster or our computer...
For me that's not a good idea and i don't see any notice about that in the blog editor.
Many Blog , as mine , should became poor and empty.
And edit an old post to update the infos in it, it can became broken too ?I don't understand the logic:
- You consume more space on your servers.
- Now, Upload the image and post it in the blog is a "pain in ass".
And the result is a same :
that's an image from an other site, as many things on internet (and Xhamster too for the many videos posted).Ps:
I don't appreciate the new "Xhamster Watermark " on video too... :-) -
Adminlynx (Admin, xHamster) commented
The new web design will bring the updated blogs and stories, including the user-friendly interface to add your videos to the blog posts.
xHamster Team
janvier57 commented
Why not a button near video to send it directy to a particular blog
(with a menu which present ouractuzl blosg and the possibility to create a new Blog from here).You can add options to choose how it should appear in it:
- Link with title and runtime
- Player with title and runtime
- One screenshot with title and runtime
- Film Strip Screenshot with title and runtime