The video category, "Transsexuals" should be changed to "Transgender" and Crossdressers should be moved to that category.
Transgender is a more general term than Transsexual and is along the lines of "Straight" and "Gay." Once that is changed, the sub category, "Crossdresser" should be moved from the Gay category to the Transgender category. Gays are mainly interested in men that look like men. Crossdressers attempt to emulate women and fit better in the Transgender category than the Gay category. Plus, most men attracted to crossdressers identifythemselves as straight and would not initially look for crossdressers in the Gay category but rather the Transgender category.
Transsexuals changed to Transgender. Cross-dressing tags are relevant to all sexual orientation, you can find relevant content in Straight/Gay or Transgender orientation.
Anonymous commented
Although xhamster is a great site, I'm increasingly fed up with the way transvestite/crossdressers are treated. No matter how much we try, xhamster moves us into the 'men' category, where we get lost in the reams of hairy men pictures/videos. Most TV/CDs make great efforts to look feminine, apart from the obvious, but these efforts are ignored by labeling us as 'men'. This means our photos/videos are often hard to find, and we do not get fair coverage like shemales. Come on xhamster, sort it out.
Anonymous commented
It really is disappointing. The suggestion Create "small dick" category or niche has been marked as started and this suggestion despite the fact it has nearly double the votes is still being ignored.
Anonymous commented
Any word when the stand alone crossdresser category is coming admin. It really is badly needed. I love the site but I think this needs addressing. Shemale should probably be renamed "transsexual" and I don't think both Gay men or Crossdressers are a fan of having crossdressers in the Gay section.
Anonymous commented
I've said before and AllyCDTV says it again... Gay men are attracted to MEN, hairy men. Miscategorized vids can mean the difference of 100 views as opposed to 5000 views.
tvmistress commented
I agree with Ally... that should be done, crossdressers and transvestites should have own category, we can't be put in men category
Anonymous commented
Thats a great idea! I do my best to look like a sexy tranny and its always bad to find my vids in the "men" section. The most guys who are looking for trannies or crossdresser don´t look in the "men" section, because they wanna see sexy gurls and not naked men! Hope Xhamster change soon the categories!
Kevin commented
It would also be nice if they renamed the "shemale" category to simply "transgender" or "transsexual". Shemale is an incredibly offensive term.
Anonymous commented
This is a horrible idea, crossdressers are NOT transgender or transsexual. This is something that ruins searching for actual trans people because crossdressers are flooding the ts as their gender. Typically only gay men are attracted to other men so it needs to be put in that area, or its own. If you are not transsexual you shouldn't be using it as your gender period. This needs to be looked at. When I look for shemale porn I don't wanna search thru 100 videos of rough looking guys in wigs and lipstick. The profile look up is even worse for this and they think they will get more views for choosing transsexual as well which is sorta salt in the wound because it's forced on viewers. Every crossdresser I've talked to on this site isn't even LGBT to start with just normal straight guys. Take them out of TS category!
MelKingPoint commented
If you do so, you can also delete the term gay instead of homosexual because it is an umbrella term. Or delete women and write human being because it is an umbrella term.
But to point it out: this is a political question of LGBT and queer people which has nothing in common with the matter of other and different minorities. It is more an example of the intolerance of dominant minorities against each others to make them on the one hand indefinable and on the other hand to put gay people in a better sexual power, e.g.: you are straight? you guess you are male and adore women, we are as female adore us too. This is a gender identity way of thinking in the tradition of John Money. Fore more view look at: -
bitv_nl commented
Very much like the idea, or alternatively to have an own category for cd's. Your argumentation is completely correct xxx Ariane
Fumiko Fuckmeat commented
i agree so much with Ally!
Adminlynx (Admin, xHamster) commented
The category of Transsexuals will remain as it is. Plus side, there will be two more categories introduced, i.e. Crossdressers and Crossdressers Couple.
Your ideas as per the icons for the new crossdressers categories are more than welcome!
xHamster Team
Eileen Bauers commented
I wholeheartedly agree with this.
Anonymous commented
Need a category for Transboys.... Female to Male trans.....Trans is now all tranny
Elandereth commented
Or an even shorter name would be Tigger, because there tops are made out of rubber and there bottoms are made out of springs.
Anonymous commented
Should be other way around, move crossdressers out of transsexual and into their own category.
TGjulie commented
I agree with the suggestion
lekkerchatten commented
I'm an angel underneed -- nothing in between -- only just beeing me -- I'm a Goddess on my knies -- telling a lie for a good cause -- or a dirty joke for a reason too -- Rockin : you can not Always get what you wants but still needs -- dancing and singing : -- Jamming : nothing really matters -- Swagger if you nlike it or not, everything is possible -- crying diamonds al over my face and shouting for out loud : I did it my way , feeling more and more , still a bit proud too...
Anonymous commented
Definitely agree..Not gay myself but like to watch hetro crossdressers.
Adminlynx (Admin, xHamster) commented
Thank you for understanding and stay in touch - you can always reach us here or PM me directly at the website!
xHamster Team