Captha Changes
The Captcha system as it is is extremely annoying and defeats the purpose of trying to get people to leave comments. I am a Content Producer, but I also enjoy commenting on other people's content and profiles. But every second time, I get presented with the Captcha Challenge! I end up not commenting many times as I just cannot make out that two word Captcha nonsense. Can you change the system so that once a person reaches a certain ranking, they are no longer presented with it?? I don't know of any spammers who will take the time to manually leave a thousand comments just to be able to freely spam! You are penalizing the active people on the site the way it is now.
CarolCox commented
Well, I'm now officially back to leaving hardly any comments! The Captcha system in place is just ridiculous and it takes me three tries half the time to leave a simple comment! My nerves can't handle this crap!