let US edit our albums..
et us edit our downloads with ease so WE can erase waiting/duplicates etc if unrequired now; seriously frustrating we cannot just click on a pic and select if even still required or not, so we end up with 3 'duplicates' and 'waiting' which have been replaced but we cant clear out the album or unnecessary uploads ..seems a bit silly to bung up the album with a box saying DUPLICATES. when if we had facility OUR END we could just DELETE SAID PHOTOS!! i.e. give us more manageability of albums and then you would'nt have this issue you have with US..about how very dare we upload duplicates LET US DELETE THEM THEN. if we can see a duplicates been caused by huge delay in downloading (so we wonder if even did , u see so we RE download out of impatience, confusion or unknowledge of why huge delay..) then if we could see the shots duplicate we'd erase it