create abilities for our members to find in the World a losed favourite movies, stars or something same... I dream to find something... !
People !
Please, help me, if you can , to find some one cinema movie .
...Excuse me , please , if my English is not best . My native languages is Russian and Ukrainian, but English is not easy for speaking for my . But I try to speak well in it ...
This movie was about three submarines .
First submarime was losed in deep waters .
And government was send a new expedition for finding missed boat . It was new submarine , in wich was traveled a one super-agent , and several scientists - between which was also a one young lady-scientist with sweet , sexy , erotic body , and brown , it seems , hair .
When boat was travell and search missed boat , something large and agressive atacked this boat...
And it is was a war submarine from Future . War boat taked the expedition boat in abordage - an evil guarde-marines is entered with force and bloddiest fight in all level of pacific boat .
All members of expedition become a prisoners of evil war-men .
Th commander of evil submarine team was called , it seems , Koddoh , or Koddo .
Then , first assistant of mister Koddoh taked that girl-scientist to himself room - he has plans to have a fun with she . And he forced she to undress her tits ... She was unger , but she also was very and very scare . She has a realy sweet tits . He rapidly drop she in his bed .
But later , it is was not viewed , what more he does with she . After that , he and she was called to Koddo , and she was nervous and scared , and her clothes was teared not good ziped - it saw all of people .
Koddo was transopted the premier-hero - that super-agent , to Future . In Future with this agent very was very want to speak a dark Master , which was , in some images , very like in Dark Emperror Palpattin from Star Wars .
...People ! Somebody of your saw this movie ? Will you say me , what is the name of it ?
I will be voteable for your help , and will be very and very glad .