Photo Uploading Easier
Can you finally give us the ability to upload entire folders of images instead of having to upload photos one at a time. Also, can you force the images to display correctly and in the order we upload either through naming convention or numeration ?? Then lastly, can you allow users to look through a photo folder by holding their cursor over the folder and several thumbnails display, similar to how the videos currently let you look through the clip without hitting play to see if it is something you want to watch ??
Try xHamster New Design and test new photo uploader:
Slartibartfass commented
Yea ist a hard work to click and click for each Pic
Pic and Vid upload section sucks and didn´t upgrade since years and is so stupid
Must be done !
Ahmed commented
sound so nice
mexicanoutlaw commented
Because this SIMPLE request isn't getting done, pictures still aren't uploading correctly. Saying moderation and then deleted. WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?! Please respond.
James commented
Xhamster is raking in thousands of dollars. Hire a freelancer for less than %1 of your profits, guys. They can have this done in 2-3 days. There is no excuse when the money is there, and then some...
onlyme1111 commented
Yes i agree this will be a massive step forward and can not come soon enough....
Lactation commented
So how is the future? this is 2 years later and we still have to select each and every photo? This is so old school that people will eventually stop adding content and move their accounts elsewhere. It's not that hard to add an ajax enabled uploader that will take the content of a folder or even a compressed zip file.
Anonymous commented
ALMOST 2 YEARS NOW! Get on it, it's not difficult at all.
Ivan Anisimov commented
That will help ! :)
tonywall commented
This would be a great idea
Undead Orphan commented
picture up-loader of xhamster sucks.I wanted to upload 20 pictures but i accidentally uploaded 21 pictures with pic 15 and 16 as duplicate.there was no way to undo this and i had to refresh the page and upload them again from the beginning.
Debbie commented
Why is this still taking so long to fix?
HuslterCTK2u commented
yeah, we are not able to label each photo when placed in a group folder
kamat7235 commented
I totally agree. Why xHamster doesn't offer at least some variation(s) of the viable suggestions already listed is beyond me. With adult & erotic photos being a major part of the site experience, I can't understanding what the holdup is in offering more user-friendly options for uploading, displaying, organizing and sharing them. C'mon guys, this is basic!
Andre R. Lambert commented
agree with the above and also if you could move the photo if they are not in order so that they could be that would help a lot thank you.. and add skydriver like they have on MSN so you could upload all in one shout....and in order
mexicanoutlaw commented
come on, when is this going to be done? it can't be that hard!
xXxPoistxXx commented
Yeah this is certainly lacking at Xham -- I think multi-selection is most important - alot of the other sites allow shift-selection of multiple files and it would speed up photo uploading prep considerably.
bjf42 commented
I can't agree more. Why is it not possible to upload a folder?
Username commented
xHamster, you guys gonna do this yet?
Username commented
@Thierry Exactly. The lengthy moderation period is absolutely unnecessary.
And a "Sort Photos" option is needed NOW, not "may be in the future".
Username commented
Hey, how bout you make it better now?