The way to make your site the best then everyone else's is simple, make a real and easy way to hook up and fuck (one night stands).
Is to make a section that exclusively just for the record thing (one night hook up and fucks). Do it straight for the absolute straight horny don't give a fuck lets just fuck person. A member can just go to this section and click something or what ever to say there interested i. Fjcki v now. They put the distance there willing to travel and or if can or can't use there place or if willing to buy a room. And after that your program will say will notify you soon with right now offers or people with same desire in the distance and then se d to there account or email a list of people interested in the same thing, also would have a thi g to fined out weather straight guy lesibian so on so forth but don't get to involved in the details because its just a one night thing pluse if people want to be picky thats why you send them a list if there is that many in the area or will notify as soon as someone is in area interested. So you can have your web cam, videos, pictures, and real thing cover all your bases. Because I'm a fairly good looking male that just lost my wife and all that happens is I get scamed or blow money on bole shit when I'm not yet to look for anything serious but k have know idea ware to go online to fined a legitimate one night stand with out getting charged or wanting me to go for some fill out credit card info to verify if safe shit. How in the hell dose your credit card info do that I can steel some ones identity its bs and a good representative site with trust and back ground in the community all ready needs to step forward and make it happen because there sple income is not going to be because of it so it hopefully will be for real. But it should draw 1,000 of new customers because you have the opportunity and option to do it or see if anyone local you can fuck and get off really quick. Just a thought I'm sure you understand ware I'm headed with all this. Thanks for your time and hope my suggestion helps out and you seriously put it under advisement.