xHamster Feedback and Suggestions
10402 results found
ada ketersediaan terjemahkan semua jenis bahasa video ke dalam bahasa indonesia
tersedia terjemahan semua jenis bahasa video yang di lihat ke dalam bahasa indonesia. terimakasih atas perhatian nya.
3 votes -
I just submitted something via ur contact forms. Suggestion: Open it & act today. Feedback: Make the form flexible & shorter. Be accounable
read the damn form and attachments. And why am I forced to create an account, accept your preposterous terms and conditions + privacy policy to make a stupid comment here but to watch your hardcore and extreme pornographic content you have no issues claiming you are a champion of "Fair and Open Internet" and scream as "censorship" immediately any time there's any effort to address the gross violations done mainly by your industry? fuck off.
1 vote -
Free dating
1st thing is we can chat freely but not fake
1 vote -
Age Filter for PMs
An option to choose the age of people sending me PMs .
3 votes -
Please provide subtitles for u every video
Cheating wife, sneaky husband, wife cheating next to husband on same bed videos
5 votes -
Halbe Filme, Filme wo das Ende fehlt usw.
Halbe Filme, Filme wo das Ende fehlt, Filme mit Inhalt denen ne Vergewaltigung Gleichkommt, SCHMEISST diese Scheisse endlich mal Raus hier das will keiner sehen. Oft nur Filmschnippsel von ein paar Sec. Raus damit was soll das ?
Tut mal was für die Seite und Haut nicht nur Filme von Faphaus rein wo man für den vollen Film Zahlen soll und ihr ne Partnerschafft habt, RAUS DAMIT.2 votes -
همستر بسیار عالی پیشنهاد میکنم از فیلمها و کلیپ های قدیمی هم استفاده کنید
پیشنهاد میکنم موقع لایو گزاشتن کاش بتونید مترجم زبان برای. دوطرف هم باش روند پیشرفت و برنامه بسیار ایده الی از کار در خواهد امد
7 votes -
Some people join pron industries so can provide access in india so many people are waiting male and female
Joining idea
7 votes -
Come with an A.I bot to help finding what your looking for easy and fun
Just easier for those of us who have unique fetish
1 vote -
Benutzername ändern
Das man sein Benutzername ändern kann
1 vote -
A manager to catagorize and organize your favorites folder 5,666 votes Vote
A manager to catagorize and organize your favorites folder
Vote1 vote -
Create an option for sharing favorite pages
when I copy the link to a section for a video group, it comes out in a form like this:
because of my, it only works for me. even when i correct to
there is a direct redirect, sop i cant really test the link before posting it to another user.
Wouldn't it be handy if the users had the possibility to share playlists?
0 votes -
1 vote
Envoyer les photos dans la discussion
Envoyer les photos dans la discussion
3 votes -
Being able to Add a music playlist to each Profile for $5 dollars a Year"
Being able to Add a music playlist to each Profile for $5 dollars a Year"
3 votes -
1 vote
User activity history
I would really like to have a function of the history of activity of your profile where it will be possible to track when, from where and from which browsers the site was visited. This function will allow users of the site to avoid possible hacker attacks and break-ins.
1 vote -
If you mind please upload some skinny big dicks video
Most of people are interested with big dick every one wish big cock
1 vote -
ان تكون تحقيق الهويه ايضا باللغه العربيه لان انا فتاه عربيه اريد ان اصبح نموذجا ولا استطيع بسبب اللغه التابعه للتحقق من الهويه
ان تكون تحقيق الهويه ايضا باللغه العربيه لان انا فتاه عربيه اريد ان اصبح نموذجا ولا استطيع بسبب اللغه التابعه للتحقق من الهويه
1 vote -
The whole "user is retired" thing really pisses me off
If videos uploaded by a "retired" user are still viewable, then there is no reason not to be able to click on that user's name and see what other videos they uploaded
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?