New Category
Please make a new category for crossdressers. I'm not a transsexual and not gay. I'm a CD.
Roger Baldwin commented
I say give em a whole new catagory all to their selves and keep em where we know we're there at and we can see em when they get over here that a good idea we need to keep an eye on that shit right there they ain't filling me I know a dude in a dress when I see em he might like to feel purty and I don't blame him but he ain't getting me to call him a lady and don't b trying to sneak other straight men into the barhroom either and use the toilet that fits what parts you have and live on freely in your mind and b who you wanna b it's all to ya .but I don't want no penises
In the same restroom as my wife or girlfriend you'd have to b studied not to see the problems of perverts claing to feel like their a woman just to peek at the women in. The lady's room that will get people killed that's almost as bad as peeping in a bedroom window but more disgusting and dirty. -
Tom Slick commented
Will this be a video and photo category? When applied to a person on a profile, how will CD be categorized? Should cross dresser just be a separate check mark in a separate section? Would this include female cross dressers who are not transsexual? What about gender fluid and non-binary? Are gay men who do drag but don't want to be women cross dressers as well? I'm not trying to complicate things or saying this shouldn't be done. I'm only saying these are things that should be considered when adding this option.
Bryan reeley commented
I agree I'm also strait and a crossdresser just because I wear women's clothing does not make me gay I never have been gay I just always like ladies clothes not cool to imply that a person is a certain way just by the way they dress