Add a 'report user' or 'report fake' button to profile
It might be a way to flag up some of the fake profiles on here. If sufficient numbers of people report the same person for the same reasons, e.g pics stolen from another xH profile or another website, it should ring alarm bells for mods.
Additionally, by providing a free text box as well as a button, web addresses for the source content can be provided for confirmation.

ottmarweisshaupt commented
i can´t aswer you on the suggestion board. please send me a pm.
(the account ignjaa is retired?!) -
Marko commented
Pelase help my friend, she is under a stress because someone made a fake profile with her photos form Facebook, can u guy reporte her o do something to ban,delete that acc. Thx !!!
marrojohan commented
i agree!
shy_cock commented
That's a great idea, it would be a very nice and much welcome improvement to the site
donjovi commented
Yes my home state is eat up with fake profiles that a first time user could spot in two minutes.hell a bunch of them are repeat names with a diffrent profile pic side by side in the member search.If we want to keep this site great,the fakes must go.if i hadnt been here before all the fake cam profiles started and i was a new member,it would turn me off and probaly never return.I have left many sites because of the crap.Thanks for reading.
loz commented
The "report fake" idea is a VERY bad idea. This option is only going to get abused. I have had it myself, refusing to add a specific person to my friends list, or choosing not to reply to their comment's / messages has resulted in them plastering my profile page and pictures with abusve comments claiming i'm obviously fake or other verbal abuse. Why should people be aloud to get be branded as fake just because they dont want to interact with a specific person? Hope xhamster is not considering actually implementing this feature...
Industrialhardcock commented
Tineye would smash 80% fakes right away
Anonymous commented
I agree that fake profile is a pleague. Especially on live cams, there are a lot of spam, every 10 or 15 minutes, maybe less...
And fake profiles with stolen pictures are really disturbing, you are lied to, and you don't seem to be able to do anything, because it's not spam. :/ -
ThirdEyeGirl commented
Yes it could be abused if it's automated. But if it's to notify who ever is in charge of keeping xhamster real, than it's not so bad. Of course, that person would have to be smart enough to know a fake from a real one. Or just ask the user to verify their account with in a certain time frame or their profile will be deleted.
xXxPoistxXx commented
Closing the truly obvious ones would be good though
xXxPoistxXx commented
This sounds like it could far too easily abused - the idea itself is a good one but implementing it in such a way that it is fair would be next to impossible. People just need to learn some sense in telling whats legit for themselves.
NoFakesZone commented
I support this idea
Dave commented
Good idea. It'll make it easier to get rid of spammers in the live cam shows
Ben 'D' Over commented
I even suspect xhamster of putting up fake profiles to raise the number of members in a given area. Why do I think that? Because they sometimes mention even the smallest villages. Something a real person who lives there would not do. They would go for the nearest bigger city. Instead of doing the right thing and simply delete the fake profiles, they just remove the fake pictures !
Ben 'D' Over commented
Strangely enough, I have reported numerous fake profiles with lots of links to where the photo's came from and guess what... these profiles are still online.
ThirdEyeGirl commented
Yes... I have encountered fake profiles as well. They aren't to hard to spot. :D
Anonymous commented
there are lots of fake profiles on here, how many teenage girls have their photos on here due to a lost or stolen cell/mobile phone, you should be able to report fakes, i can spot them a mile off
Anonymous commented
this would be of actual use; if it were a legit place. but i don't think this will be seriously implemented, except for diverting venting out; because admins/mods/vips/sus are usually the very same jerks that do the ruckus, under different credentials
Random00 commented
A general behaviour codex would be good.
And people who stole content (and start to harass their victims after being reported, and put them on fake-lists in their profiles) should suffer a penalty.I think I have to create a new profile to get rid of the false accusations one person puts about me.
Metal4Life commented
I agree