How about some clear cut instructions on how to be listed as a verified Pornstar.
It's so much easier on Pornhub. I'm in the top 8k performers, 200+ gigs of HD content, own my own dot com, and am all over social media as well as broadcasting on sites. I'm even a top 3% on Onlyfans and attend the AVN's. I emailed support here and was added to the "amateur" Pornstar section. Crazy. I have 25k fans asking me on Chaturbate why I am in the amateur section on xHamster.
I emailed support and was greeted with, "I'm sorry we cannot list your content in the Pornstar category." The rep wouldn't even answer my question about what the process is. Being a verified pornstar is something I worked hard to achieve and then I see what xHamster lists as "Verified Pornstars" in the last 100 or so pages of their listings and it really hurts. There's crappy 90's photos, videos, and profiles with 1 20 second video clip. Hardly anything looks professionally produced.
What gives xHamster? I thought you were really cool!!