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xHamster Premium Feedback and Suggestions

245 results found

  1. Keep it appropriate

    Teaser only topless and moaning

    29 votes
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  2. Show me my interest

    People who are in the area and local areas first

    99 votes
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  3. Is Xhamster Premium for real? Can't access this site for some reason.

    Is Xhamster Premium for real? Can't access this site for some reason. Maybe my INTERNET SECURITY is blocking same...?

    125 votes
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  4. Do ya help with web pages

    Like help with setting up third party wviewing from web or anything m

    37 votes
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  5. Please have atleast a small Investingation before blocking or removed away from your site.

    Hi yeam ,i have been register with you guys two time although i only wanted it once but my first id and user name was got blocked in which I have not posted anything wrong I am 100% sure it all happen with in 10 days ,I mean for the first one I contacted with the official website helper they send me that I have been reported on their website ,OK may be somehow I break their barrier or like terms and conditions but please give a warning that I have texted more person,or like this wrong please remove or…

    182 votes
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xHamster Premium Feedback and Suggestions


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