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xHamster Premium Feedback and Suggestions

245 results found

  1. نمیتوانم وارد شوم

    بلد نیستم واردشم

    5 votes
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  2. 13 votes
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  3. Subtitle bahasa indonesia

    Subtitle bahasa indonesia

    4 votes
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  4. 5 votes
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  5. 1 vote
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  6. Gente trabajadora

    Gent3 trabajadora

    1 vote
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  7. Prizes for customers clients fans

    Have prizes consisting of getting to go to places ,were groups for orgy's can be arranged for poeple with so many views and voting .

    1 vote
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  8. More incentives for the women

    If I am paying customer for these services. I should be able to make these two items very positive

    4 votes
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  9. Ventana en el navegador hamster confirmacion de registro no puede cerrarse

    En mi navegador me apareció una ventana en miniatura de xhamster la cual era la del registro de usuario nuevo, pero la intente cerrar y se pasó a la parte de abajo en dónde no podía cerrarla, y eso me incómodo, acaso tiene algún propósito esa actividad?

    3 votes
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  10. Spełniona rozkosz to następna fantazja

    Spełniona rozkosz to następna fantazja

    3 votes
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  11. Make it free

    Make them respond to friend request if they leave more than 100 for a moth .block them

    6 votes
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  12. Give me a video

    Free for having an extract ( exemple)

    16 votes
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  13. Tokens

    Für Nutzer von xhamster die geprüft wurden sollte keine Token kaufen müssen sondern die Funktion und girls gratis ansehen, schreiben und Daten können da sie viel Zeit auf der Seite von xhamster verbringen, Wäre echt cool solch ein Bonus zu bekommen von euch.

    4 votes
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  14. xxxshshbaz


    3 votes
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    14 votes
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  16. User name change

    Mera user name Reena ji hai

    2 votes
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  17. 3 votes
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  18. I would

    As in the pass, I would like to download from xhamster as well as xhamster premium.😁

    3 votes
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  19. How about a customizable app logo

    Like we can customize our app logo and name to hide it from our guest of mobile phone

    1 vote
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  20. You haven't got the same content as your free site this is crazy

    You haven't got the same content as your free site this is crazy

    1 vote
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