I not like to see my videos everywhere on the Net...
I make some vids and i like to upload it here because I like your site. But I am not so happy so see them "stollen" by a multitude of porn-site. Motsly because I want to keep a sort of confidentiality to my vids... If this cannot be done, i am not sure I will not delete all of them and go elsewhere... You should offer the possibility to keep some vids exclusively to Xhamster or not. This is a violation of copyrights... Plus the fact I might not want also to see my face/dick/other everywhere... MAKE HAMSTER MORE EXCLUSIVE AND PROTECTED WEBSITE FOR THOSE WHO MAKE VIDS AND OFFER IT TO THE MEMBERS. Take care. FA

Dick Sucker commented
That's an idea but not much you can really do about it, because people can grab the video with screen shot software without being able to do much about it. This would also be a violation of "fair use" rights under the U.S. Copyright Act- and is therefore probably illegal under U.S. law.
emma willows orgasamdonor commented
i think this is a good idea maybe have an option for people that like to be exposed and maybe an option that gets the user or xhamster royalties that can make this place better
Guillaume D commented
I suggest you tell those porn-sites to delete your videos and threaten them to sue.
Woobers commented
An even vaguely clever person can figure out ways to grab a video from even a "secure" site, and xHamster cannot do anything about that. As others have suggested, if this bothers you, delete all of your stuff and stop posting.
I have seen some of my videos and photos posted on other sites, but that just goes with the territory. -
Namenlosherr commented
Yes, if you don't want to see your dick "everywhere," then the best policy is to keep it in your pants.
Mask Turbator commented
I might not want also to see my face/dick/other everywhere ???
Are you joking? Shit man, if my dick *was* everywhere I might be getting laid more.
This suggestion is on the wrong track.
Faye Kane homeless brain commented
You ASS hole! If you don't want pix of your dick all over the internet, don't upload them to a public porn site!
WTF is wrong with you?
J. Cranstel commented
Understand the thought behind this... BUT NO!
What you will then have is people locking up "their" videos (Like user "1l2lp" is currently doing). You might think, that's OK, but what is really going on is copyrighted material is being "bartered" (which legally is no different than selling) This will get xHamster shut down and the users involved will not get a slap on the wrist. Users like "1l2lp" post nothing but stolen vids and are now trading/selling them to one another via the "friends only" option. The users that participate and xHamster will be sued and it will all be over... -
R B commented
I believe the best thing xhamster can do here is add an option for you set videos and pictures to be "friends only" This way not just anybody can download and share your video elsewhere, now only people on your friends list will be able to. Just make sure your friends aren't d-bags.
Anonymous commented
sadly i agree with the others. not much you can do. i think the future with user submitted stuff is to add your own watermark. Im not saying random site logo or anything, but maybe a small text in a corner with "Your name@xhamster".
xXxPoistxXx commented
Firstly, its not a violation of your rights you gave them up when you uploaded it, read the terms and conditions**
Secondly, anything publicly available on the internet can and probably will be spread elsewhere - there is not a whole lot xHamster can so about it. There really is no streamed video feed that can't be downloaded one way or another, plus alot of other sites directly link the feeds at xHamster.
bjf42 commented
Everything you post on the internet automatically becomes public property. If you can't live with that, stop posting!